Friday, October 22, 2010


I'll just go ahead and give you the results of my drawing since I know that if I write anything here, you're not going to read it anyways.  You'll just scroll down to see if you won.  Is anyone actually reading what I'm typing right now?  How about now?

So... I wrote out the names of everyone who entered in two separate columns - "Already Followers" and "New Followers" and numbered them in the order in which I received the comments.

 Then I went to to generate a random number.  Hey, I don't play favorites.  And since you're all my favorites, that would be a hard one...

And... the winner for the first drawing (Already Followers) is....

Yay!!  Lenae is a newer blog friend I've made and am so glad that I found her.  She is witty, fun and creative with 3 adorable little boys and is expecting a little girl in the near future!  I highly recommend checking out her blog.  It always makes me smile.  And often makes me think (which is a good thing).  Congrats, Lenae!

 And the winners in my "New Followers" category is...

#5 - Amy Howieson!
Amy is a sweet girl that I've met at a couple of jewelry parties I've done.  And, yes, of course I remember you, Amy!  If she had a blog, I would totally link up to her and tell you to read her, but she has yet to venture into bloggyland.  Congrats, Amy!

Sorry to all of you who didn't win.  Or to those of you who became new followers but didn't leave me a comment to let me know so I could enter you into my drawing.  I saw that my facebook followers went up by 12 people, but I'm not sure who's new.  Maybe you just don't like free jewelry.  ;)

Have a great weekend!


This Heavenly Life said...

Woo! I'm so glad Lenae won! She's very deserving of some bling :) (I'm sure Amy is too!)

How'm I doing on not harboring ill-will....good?

Lenae said...


And thank you for the kind words, my friend! I'm flattered :)