Friday, September 18, 2009

This morning was our first MOPS meeting and it was so fun to get out again and be with other moms!  Ladies, if you need a morning out with free babysitters, yummy refreshments, great speakers, fun crafts and great conversations with some of the coolest ladies, then you HAVE to come to our MOPS group! It's the first and third Fridays of each month.  Check out our blog.

After a refreshing morning, I headed to Wal-Mart with the girls... you all know how much I love that store (NOT). (click here for a refresher) Is it still cool to say "not?"  I haven't said that since... high school maybe?  So what are the kids saying instead of that these days?

Anyways, it was a necessity to go there to pick up the baby announcements I ordered.  Trust me, I only go there if it is absolutely necessary.  Anyways, since we were all starving for lunch, we ate at the Subway inside the store.  And it was there today that I learned how it can really pay to be the frazzled mom with my brood of 3 little ones.  While we were standing in line, a man came up to us and gave us a coupon for a free cookie.  Then, while we were eating, another lady came up and gave us yet another coupon for a free cookie.  I felt guilty, so I explained to her that someone else had just given us one and she said, "I know, but you have 2 daughters, so I figured you could use two."  Wasn't that nice?

That doesn't change my opinion of Wal-Mart.  I don't think Subway really counts as part of the store, does it?


Katie@The Baby Factory said...

That's sweet of those people! Man, maybe when the boys are older that will happen to me...I guess I never take them anywhere by myself, so when we go places, people just MOB us because they're twins....{Captain Annoying}

OH, and I would say that it's socially neutral at this point to say (NOT), I can't seem to think of a superior alternative right off hand.

Following The Fosters said...

yay for mops! sad i missed it, hope it all went well!

Amy@My Front Porch said...

You had me at free babysitters -- is this only for the Willow Creek club? :) Actually, I know Saylorville has play groups during the summer but I'm thinking starting a MOPS group of our own might not be a bad idea...

You should really ask Chad what kids are saying these days -- he works at a middle school so he should really be up on all his "hip" language :)

(Pretty sure it's no longer socially acceptable to describe something as "hip" though. My years at Northview taught me nothing :)

une autre mère said...

Amy, you should totally come to MOPS with us! It's definitely not Willow Creek exclusive. I think you would really enjoy it. "Peter marie" and "Starving for Sunshine" go too, so you'd already know 3 of us there!

The next one is Oct. 2 (9:30 - 11:15). You can even follow me out there if you want! Just let me know...

Am I pressuring you too much? :)