Thursday, July 2, 2009

my little grievances

I have run into several things that really annoyed me this week.  I don't think it's just the pregnancy.  Who knows... maybe it is, or maybe it's a combination of my hormonal self and coming back to the "real world" after a great week away with friends (which I promise to post pictures of as soon as I make the effort to edit them).  Anyways, here are a few things that have set me off this week.  I hope you don't get annoyed with me for griping, but I see this as my therapy. And let me tell you, it's much better than the other option (which may or may not include carrying lethal weapons in my purse... actually I've thought about carrying a water gun in my purse and giving those who annoy me a good squirt in the face).

Let me spell this first one out for you... W.A.L.M.A.R.T.  Hate it.  You make think "hate" is a strong word, but that's also why it's a perfect word for how I feel about this store.  I had to endure this atrocity twice this week, when usually I manage to avoid it for a month or two at a time. What's so bad about it?  Let me count the ways...
  1. Crappy carts.  Not a great way to start a trip to a store you dread anyways.  I had the girls with me and tried to put them into one of those big carts with the 2 kid seats.  There were 3 carts lined up, so started with the first one.  Get Addie all situated and realize Millie's strap is broken.  No problem, I go on to the second cart.  Once again, Addie gets in just fine and when I'm almost done buckling in Millie, I realize that once again, the strap is broken.  I'm starting to get a little irritated, but am thankful that there's one last cart.  This time, I get Millie all strapped in and breathe a sigh of relief, when Addie lets me know that her strap is broken.  ARGH!  But with no carts left, Addie just had to hang on for dear life and try to keep her little bottom up in that high seat.  I think her gluts are all the better for it.
  2. Bad placement of items.  Seriously bad.  So bad that the associate couldn't even help me.  When I first asked her where to find the alarm clocks, she gave me this look like I was an idiot.  "Uh, they're by the clocks," she said like she was talking to a half-wit.  "Well, that is where one would THINK they should be, isn't it," I replied, "but of course I've checked there, and I've checked by the alarm radios and pretty much every other home furnishings aisle and trust me, they're not there."  So we journeyed around the store together until we finally found them in some random aisle that was completely unrelated to clocks or housewares.  Seriously stupid.  I mean, do you WANT anyone to by your alarm clocks, because they're certainly never going to be able to find them.
  3. The people.  And I'm not talking about the associates (although some of them could use a squirt in the face), but the other shoppers there.  Yes, shoppers can be annoying anywhere, but somehow the majority seem to migrate to Walmart.  Especially the ones with bad, dirty kids.  Like a lady I ran into today whose son and daughter were hysterically screaming for who knows what, so to console them, she says, "Hey, look at that huge BRATZ doll!  If you stop screaming, I'll buy you that one to add to your collection."  Great parenting.  Which leads me to my next annoyance of the week...
BRATZ dolls.  I mean, have you seen these things?  If not, check out the above picture of a very typical Bratz doll.  Great idea.  I mean, who doesn't think it's a great idea to give your daughter a doll that shows her how to dress like a prostitute and have a bad attitude before she's even out of diapers?  It's not like they don't get enough of that from the media, let's go ahead and give them dolls that promote it too.  Super.

And my last annoyance of the week, and you've heard this one before from me... BAD GARAGE SALES!!!  I won't rehash all my pet peeves about garage sales, but I'll just tell you that the one I went to today was actually more expensive than buying brand new at a store.  Not kidding.  For example, they had a plastic kids shopping cart there for $10, and I actually bought the same one several years ago on sale at Target for $8!  Then, they had clothes marked like they were brand new too - like Gymboree sweaters for $14!  CRAZY!  Just wait until they go on clearance and get them for cheaper.   Then when I left the sale, they asked, "Didn't you find anything for your baby?"  There were sooo many things I wanted to say, but instead I just smiled politely and said, "Oh, they just weren't the right size."  That took a lot of self control.  Especially from this pregnant mama.

So, now that I've grieved you all with my annoyances, I actually do feel much better.  Thank you.  Maybe I can leave the water gun at home the next time I venture out.  I promise my next blog will be much happier and have some fun pics of our vacation.


Amy said...

Hear, hear!

Wal-Mart. Ugh. One of our financial goals is actually to make enough money to not feel like we have to buy groceries there. For real.

Bratz dolls. So glad I'm not the only one who recognizes the issues going on there! I mean, for real? If for no other reason than the fact that you don't want them to hear someone calling them a Brat and taking it as a compliment!

And bad garage sales...if everyone ran garage sales as good as yours was the world (or at least the city of Ankeny) would be a much happier place :) Good for you for having the self control to bite your tongue (and not whip out your squirt gun :)

Glad to know someone shares the same grievances as me :)

peter marie said...

I had a very interesting experience at Wal-Mart today too. That place is so dirty. The lady checking me out had this strange smile and as she was talking and smiling and talking and smiling, she'd put one item in a bag, another item in another bad, and so on. I came home with about 15 items and about 10 bags. Freaked me out a little.....

I think our garage sale was the best one in Ankeny history. I don't know why they are always so overpriced in your neck of the woods! I went to one a few weeks ago (though not in Ankeny) and all outfits were $9. And I thought THAT was bad, but yours sounds way worse. We should start taking pictures of outrageous items just to keep a record!!

The Sneaky Mommy said...

Dude, two words: TARGET & OUTLETS!
I'll even drive you there. It's not worth my mental insanity to venture into W anymore...I don't even waste the time typing it out. Target is cheaper on TONS of stuff and Fareway's got it's back on the produce. Trust me...I've seen a pricing graph from my neighbor. She needs a hobby, too...
Good job managing the prego hormones all around, too! I randomly teared up a few weeks ago when a lady yelled rudeness at me for having the boys in monkey backpacks.
Lastly, just remember these aggrivating memories when you need that last little umpf for pushing little boy Brooks out in a few weeks! It's be a breeze! :)

Julie said...

I thought that picture was maybe a cartoon you in a new sunday outfit! Bratz dolls and wal-mart.....don't even know where to start! Hope you have a good weekend.

laney said...

Love the rant Katie! It makes me feel better about all the stuff that drives me up the wall : )

Jenny said...

Rolling, rolling, rolling on the floor. I LOVE your gripes, Katie, they make me laugh SO hard! I'm ready to pick up and move to Iowa just so we can be friends and laugh our butts off together.