Monday, March 15, 2010

super mom

my mom

1,238,453 kisses
597,217 prayers said for your children
12, 874 diapers changed
10,546 children's books read
5,971 tears wiped away
1,739 words held back to a mouthy teenage daughter
531 boo-boos magically kissed away
362 sleepless nights with sick kids
 215 nights lying awake waiting for that kiss goodnight from your teenagers to know they made it safely home
37 years of sacrificially loving your offspring
26 years of feeding, clothing, and housing your children
7 grandchildren who greatly adore you
3 children who now, as adults, finally realize and appreciate all you sacrificed for us and love you dearly
One amazing, loving, Godly, generous mom

Happy Birthday, mom!  
Thanks for being the best (and for putting up with me all these years...)

"Her children rise up and call her blessed." - Proverbs 31:28


This Heavenly Life said...

Happy Birthday Katie's mom! You raised a wonderful girl :)

peter marie said...

That's so sweet! Hope you get a chance to celebrate with her soon.

Wow...Millie looks so much like her!