Wednesday, April 15, 2009

anxiously awaiting...

So tomorrow at this time we will hopefully know if this baby is a boy or a girl!  I say hopefully because I know there are several cases where the babies don't cooperate and either cover themselves or don't turn the right way or something naughty like that.  My last two cooperated just fine, so I hope this one follows his/her sisters' examples.  Even if they're not totally sure on the gender tomorrow, chances are I'll have more ultrasounds.  With both of my previous pregnancies, I had 5 ultrasounds each because the babies always measured small in the last trimester.  They always ended up being just fine, but it was fun to get to peek at them again!

I've had a lot of people asking what I prefer, and of course I give them the "good mom" answer:  "I really don't care as long as it's healthy."  I know that sounds cheesy, but if you're a mom, you definitely understand that it's so true.  I will honestly be excited either way.  Already having two girls, it'd be fun and easier to have another girl.  Just thinking of 3 little girls running around seems like fun to me.  Call me crazy, but I love all the fun girly stuff.  Plus, it'd save us a lot of money on clothes!  But adding a boy to the mix would also be fun.  Although it does scare me a little since I'm clueless when it comes to boys.  They just seem like they require so much energy and I don't have a whole lot of that to give these days.  But after seeing all the adorable baby boys that my friends have had recently, I get excited to think that I could be holding a baby boy of my own soon too.  Plus, I wouldn't feel guilty buying new baby clothes, since we'd really need them!  Who knows?  Well, I guess God does, and hopefully He'll let us in on that secret tomorrow.

I promise to blog tomorrow night to let you know what we find out.  The appointment isn't until 4:00 and then we're going out for dinner to celebrate, so it won't be until late evening.  If you haven't voted yet, time is running out!


Jenn said...

I will wait anxiously with you!! What fun news. So does this mean you are half way done? I have decided finding out before the birth is just as fun as waiting until the birth. Either way it is still a surprise. Not sure what I will do next time...

Julie said...

It is 4:04 PM and you haven't called yet:( I'm pretty upset...I thought I was getting a play-by-play through the ultrasound....I guess we can maybe still be friends...maybe.
Okay just kidding! Hopefully all goes well. Can't wait to hear the good news of boy or girl:)